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Asset Management Services

We are a fee only Registered Investment Advisor.  Our Asset Management services are aimed preserving and growing your wealth.  We utilized a variety of services all working with asset management and consistent with your financial plan & goals.   We believe through the use of our own model portfolios that are designed by us using investment framework (set of broad market & economic assumptions) we can provide more insight to clients about the assets they own.  More importantly, we believe it can potentially result in better risk management to more effectively achieve your financial goals.   We design model portfolios based on client risk tolerances that match with our view of both the economy & markets.  Further, asset selections are then matched with  financial plans & goals we develop for our clients.  The cornerstone of our value proposition is based on our depth of experience, insight & track record.  Schwab Institutional acts as our custodian of client accounts, so as to provide clients accounts are accessible, maintained and serviced with utmost attention.  Clients accounts are fully accessible by them as we are ONLY granted discretion to manage the accounts ie act to allocate assets.   


The structural changes to financial markets tied to falling fee structure, money flows, volatility & trend towards passive money management has lead many advisors outsourcing the actual management of your assets.   Many have turned to expensive insurance products as a result to manage client assets to control risk.  The decline in the markets in 2008 & 2018 demonstrate the price clients pay in terms of performance, volatility & risk management when the advisor does not have full control of the management of your assets.  We take a different approach thru our experience, insights & track record of understanding both the economy & financial markets.  The goal is to achieve better risk management to potentially get you to your financial goals.


We are affiliated with XY Planning Network for our technology platform.  Brecken Capital Advisors, LLC participates in the Schwab Institutional program. Schwab Advisor Services™  is a division of Schwab, Inc. ("Schwab"), member FINRA/SIPC. Schwab is an independent [and unaffiliated] SEC-registered broker-dealer. Schwab Advisor Services™ (formerly known as Schwab Institutional®) serves independent investment advisors and includes the custody, trading and support services of Schwab.

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